Screen shot 2015-02-10 at 12.20.03 PMIt is not Complicated.  Buprenorphine (aka Suboxone) can be available for any opiate addict.  A pervasive “They need to just quit” attitude either ends up killing our worst addicts or supporting endless incarceration and emergency health care.   Folks!!!   This is cheap medication for a grave addiction that otherwise forces addicts into homelessness, jails and hospitals.  If our institutions were on board,  the unmanageable part of the issue becomes manageable; the root cause of an addiction is examined!  Moms & Dads are crying for this.  We are finding that personality disorders and detachment are among root causes.  this doesn’t go away with cold turkey.  Please view the link below to insight into this problem.

THE WONDER DRUG, Why are drug courts denying heroin addicts the medicine they need