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If you haven’t heard, National Geographic is presenting  a TV series every Monday  called Border Wars.  The series provides a little insight into the drug and human trafficking across our southern border.

From CNN via VBS.TV: “…it was Thatcher who signed off on a program that meant heroin addicts would be given access to free, sterile needles …after she’d closed down the mines, docks, and factories.  …unemployment and heroin addiction have always made fine bedfellows.  See the rest of the video @

More than $1.1 Million in Grants Available for Community-Based Drug Prevention Coalitions

Crackonomics collects opinions on US drug policy that may interest you to know.  I also found a youtube video  by Crackonomics call Unintended Consequences.   An effort initiated by Senator Jim Webb is a realistic chance at substantively improving drug and prison policy through legislation. The National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2009 will finalize important recommendations this year, which means we need to keep up the pressure for sane drug policy by contacting our lawmakers.

This Sunday, 9-11 PM EST,  Prescription Addiction Radio Show talks about topics in the world of addiction and recovery.   Dadonfire airs  approx. 9:30EST to update on the website.  Go to The Prescription Addiction Click on  WGUL860 AM and go to Sunday Schedule to listen.

In “Pain Clinic Legal Dope House?”, CNN’s Campbell Brown exposes a flourishing practice of licensed Florida “Pain” Doctors supplying drug addicts and drug pushers with legal prescriptions of dangerous narcotic drugs like oxycontin.  Granted some are legit; but 50 million Americans (one in 5)  have abused pain meds.  New laws are expected to take up to 2 years to effect this practice.

Book Review:  When Painkillers Become Dangerous. What Everone Needs to Know About Oxycontin and Other Prescription Drugs, Drew Pinkskey

“When Painkillers Become Dangerous” was written in 2004 and published by Hazelden.  This book is worth a fresh look.  It is an exceptional resource on drugs, addiction and recovery.   Drew Pinskey (Doctor Drew), the lead author provides one of the clearest explanations of how addiction develops that I have read.  He partners with five other very noteworthy authors.  Marvin Seppala dissects treatment and recovery.  Robert Meyers and John Gardin explain intervention, the prolific William White presents a historical overview of all drugs and their particular addictive characteristics while Stephanie Brown relates the insidiousness of addiction as a family problem.  Anyone looking for a resource written by top experts in clear language will benefit from reading this.

Joseph A. Califano, departing chairman of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse responds to Obamas state of the union address in his own 2010 address on cost issues and real problems.  View his speech  HERE

Vancouver:  ‘Drug Central’ of North America is notable take on drug presence at the site of the Winter Olympics.  Check it out.  Also check out Stephen Bamber’s site Art of Life Itself which featured this BBC piece.

Methadone Information and Side Effects

“Known as “Methadone hydrochloride,” Methadone is a narcotic pain reliever, analgesic used to treat moderate to severe pain with people who have not responded to pain relievers. Its main uses also include being given to patients who are battling narcotic addiction or in maintenance treatment of narcotic drug addiction…” Article by Jesse Herman of –   see article HERE

2010 Blending Conference

Albuquerque, NM, April 22 – 23; blending addiction science and treatment.

Psych Central is the Internet’s largest and oldest independent mental health social network.  It made Time Magazine’s top 50 websites.  It is run by MH professionals, offering sound information and over 150 support groups to nearly 1 million people around the world every month.  You can find information on dual diagnosis, addictions, depression and subjects like suicide which like a tragic drug overdose death can leave loved ones stunned and feeling blame  ♦  e-How site offers info on addiction and related topics, including a video library. Links by Mary S.

Tales of Addiction

“Once in a blue moon, I read a book that culminates in a poignancy by sharing a powerful experience. Tales of Addiction is one such book:  Here is a story and message amidst all of our stories; here is hope set against great challenges in the world of addiction and recovery; here is a legacy of understanding. Tales of Addiction is not just a collection of deep insight and personal accounts of tearful relapse and recovery, it is craftsmanship. Author, Barbara Sinor is a well read specialist in a world coming to grips with the disease of addiction. She offers her own valuable background of relatedness and heartened familiarity.  Artfully sharing all of this is the book’s strength.  Like a tapestry, it works by holding the reader’s interest with unique tales smoothly interwoven with both a spiritual and intellectual thought process. Sinor progressively weaves the details of her life and practical wisdom in-and-out of the book’s logical succession and its acumen of the disease of addiction. The reader feels her deep and intelligent reflection accompanying each precious contribution of struggle and uncertain recovery. Some make it; others may not, you begin to know this. You feel your own relatedness and in the last chapters, the reader enters the author’s space hearing the breaking news of a sudden culmination of one very special story and a legacy that lives on in her. Sinor’s book pushes forward with exigency and hope.

Tales of Addiction resonates a message to all impacted by the world of drugs and alcohol:  It is a world of possibility and joy; it is a world of shocking sadness; it is a world of conquest. One poignant message from the book is that no matter what, a single addict’s life is still sacred and knowing this captures a moment in time. Sinor invites the reader to share in her well of knowledge, reputation and work in the field of addiction and recovery. She expresses touching wisdom gained from her own life experience while delivering generous individual contributions written by people like you and I. Tales of Addiction instills there is no right or wrong; there is the possibility of helping just one more person; there is the possibility of coming to terms with this single moment, just for today.”     Bill Ford,

Obama Administration Issues Rules Requiring Parity In treatment of mental, substance use disorders (SUD/MH), implementing the 2008 Wellstone-Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008.  On a scale of 1-10 on how much more treatment this makes available; a 2 or  3 would be generous, because it simply  doesnt require SUD/MH coverage .  It addresses limits of covered benefits.  It doesn’t count if your not in a large group plan.  Insurance companies can still exclude SUD/MH treatment.  See  links… Going in the right direction; but falling short. Check out the above link.  Post by Mary S.

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February 2010